GK Steel, GK SS Pipes, GK Trading, Specialist in Stainless Steel Industrial & Furniture Pipes
G.K GROUP is a group of company. The concerns are G.K STEELS LIMITED, G.K S.S PIPE LIMITED, A.B STEEL, KHAJA GAWSIA TRDING, TAWSIF INTERNATIONAL. It has office in Dhaka & Chittagong. The factory is located at Kalurghat, Moulavi Pakur Par, Chandgaon, Chittagong.Some of our Product Applications are Chemical Plants, Architectural, Dairy Plant, Breweries, Paper Mills, Exhaust Systems, Display Stands, Food Plants, Furniture, Kitchen Rocks & Cutleries, Petro Chemical Industries, Submersible Pump, Heating Elements.
The entire employee strength of G.K S.S PIPE Ltd. has focused its total attention towards Customer Service. Customer satisfaction through 7C Concept:
All the operations are carried out in the plant by keeping in mind, any one or combination of above objectives